A key part of our youth justice campaigning is making sure that children and young people know about their rights when they are stopped, arrested and questioned by police, and when they go to court. Below is some useful information for children and young people about their rights in the criminal justice system, including useful videos on stop and search, questioning at the police station and attending court.
Being interviewed by the police? What is going to happen next?
The police may want to interview children and young people. This may happen after they arrest someone. They may also arrange a voluntary interview.
This interview can have serious consequences. Children and young people should always speak to a lawyer before their interview and have that lawyer in the interview with them. If you do not have a lawyer, you should ask the police for the duty lawyer, and they will get one for you.
Download this practical brochure developed by Hammersmith & Fulham Youth Offending Team on what to expect when interviewed by the police.
Stop and search
Our stop and search film explains your rights and what to expect if you are stopped by police. It explains the difference between stop and search and stop and account, when you can be searched, and what makes a search unlawful.
If you’ve been stopped and searched and need advice, please complete our advice form. If your query is urgent and needs an immediate response, you can call us on 0203 174 2279.
At the police station
This short film will explain what happens if you are arrested and taken to the police station.
What to Expect at the Youth Court
Our short film explains what to expect at the youth court.