Animated Film - If I Could Talk to Me

A new animation produced by Just for Kids Law in collaboration with independent film-makers highlights the need for independent advocacy for young parents.

The reality for young parents at risk of having a child taken into care - our new animation is out now. As featured on the Guardian website, with article by Louise Tickle. 

Our film considers the frustrations and fears of legal proceedings from the young person’s perspective - it shows a woman trying to advise her younger self what to expect when social workers express concerns that her baby is at risk. It explores the fear that young parents feel and that getting objective and independent support from someone who knows the law can make a critical difference.

Says Sophie Conway who helped make the film: “Until it [becomes] official care proceedings you won’t get a lawyer, and if you’ve been in care you won’t have family around. The social work input is all for the child... Young people told us about their sense of being so alone in a room with 15 people at a table. They usually go into these meetings with no one and are entirely ill-prepared for what’s ahead.”

"The next thing I knew, my unborn child had a social worker."

Click here for the Community Care article which shares first hand the experience of having an unborn child at threat of being taken into care.